Brief Summary of Our Blessed Mother Personal Visit to Humanity on September 19, 1846.
Her First Words:
"Come, my children, come! Fear not, I am here to proclaim great news to you."
On September 19th, 1846, 11-year-old Maximin Giraud and 14-year-old Mélanie Calvat were minding cows in a small village in Southeast France. While returning home, they encountered a bright light. In the light was a sitting woman, weeping into her hands. Maximin would later say: “She was like a mama whom her own children had beaten and who had escaped to the mountain to weep.”
The children approached. The unknown lady, while still crying, told the children about the trials of Her Son. She explained that she and Her Son are weary from the sufferings they have endured for humanity.
She lamented for those who work on Sunday, the Lord’s Day, rather than resting and praying. In addition, the cart drivers continued to swear with Her Son’s name (among many other blasphemes). In the winter, people attended Mass just to scoff at religion, and in the summer, they ignored it altogether.
Our Lady explained that the potato famine across Europe the year before was a warning. If the people did not convert their hearts, more famine awaited them. If they do, then there will be an abundance of food. The famine never came, as many Catholics changed their ways after hearing of the apparition.
Nowadays, more than ever, Our Lady messages in La Salette are for everyone, not just for the townsfolk of La Salette, several years ago. She makes it clear that she intercedes for us more than we could ever repay. Her words are a message of conversion to Jesus and His Church.
2024: The Starting of a New Grassroots Apostolate
In summary, as requested by Our Lady explicitly and implicitly when she appeared at La Salette (France), the main objective of this international catechetical Apostolate is to teach and invite Catholics, especially non-practicing and/or lukewarm Catholics, to better understand, obey, and (likewise) re-share the "Five Commandments of the Catholic Church." Although deeply bonded by God’s Ten Commandments and rooted into the Sacred Tradition from day one, they are dismissed or simply ignored by the great majority of irresponsible Catholics as if optional or mere suggestions, but not divine Precepts which they are. Some even consider it a kind of five "jokes," fake man-made obligations not worthy to be learned, much less to submit one’s life under them. No wonder Our Lady at La Salette, our loving mother, cried tears of sadness for having no choice but to warn of severe consequences against Christendom and, therefore, the world, if at least the "Day of the Lord" were not minimally respected. And that message preceded her visit and future messages from Fatima-Portugal, almost too late precisely because Christianity didn’t care about her first preventive warnings, at La Salette. Such a historical curse of Marxism that she tried to prevent in Fatima -- now deeply aggravated by other ideologies -- would likely never happen if we Christians had appreciated God’s generosity in giving us six days during each week, reserving just one for rest and worship, which is the only way to avoid and secure that humanity would not live by instinct, like wild animals and its consequent ego-path of gradual self-destruction.
Who Can Survive Without Breathing? Even More so: Who Can Preserve God's Grace Without Spiritual Breathing?
Basically, each one of the Five Commandments of the Catholic Church, even when combined, only mandates the absolute minimum -for the benefit of the faithful- that any Catholic must observe in order to have and preserve the Grace of God during a lifetime just to "survive," not thrive. Let’s start by remembering Our Lord’s declaration for each one of us: "If you do not eat my flesh and do not drink my blood, you will have NO [real] Life (capital ‘L’ = fullness of Life, Peace, Hope,... at least on earth) in you!” Therefore, the very first Commandment of the Church ordered and reminded us to minimally "Keep the Lord’s Day by -at least- participating in the Sunday Mass EVERY Sunday (plus 'days of obligation')". The second Precept requires the "Confession of our sins at least once a year." And the third "To receive the Eucharist at least once a year." These, alone, are already a life-or-death determinant; let’s imagine when adding the other two Precepts into the same balance. We cannot, without His aid, worthy build our lives and our world. If, for any reason, we compromise His intended ordinary means or pathways necessary for the granting of His daily Peace, we will not have real Peace; at least not until we are properly corrected by conversion and docility. The rejection of His grace, even if implicit or not fully conscient, cannot fail to have very serious consequences. Actually, especially in cases of explicit rejection, regardless of how long and how much we "pray", beg, or insist, at a personal level -case by case- God remains unresponsive, so-to-speak, in practical terms. Meaning that God indeed never give-in, give-up, never convey, never ever part-with, sag or subside, until each one of us, personally, decide to reject pride, unforgiveness and disobedience, and decide to learn how to love others, as He Loved us: No exceptions!
Can our Blessed Mother Cried Just to Pretend it, Theatrically, Without Enduring Real Sufferance Out of Her Love for Us?
Not even the deep sadness revealed by Our Blessed Mother at La Salette, to the point of weeping, was enough for humanity to understand the Parable of the Great Banquet (Mt. 22). Jesus compared the whole Kingdom of Heaven with its entry-gate from Earth, which is the Mass in His Church: "[The gate for] The Kingdom of Heaven is like a king who gave a wedding feast for his Son." He dispatched his servants to summon the invited guests to the feast, but they refused to come. A second time he sent other servants, saying, tell those invited: ‘Behold, I have prepared my banquet; my calves and fattened cattle are killed, and everything is ready; come to the Feast'. Some ignored the invitation and went away; one to his farm, another to his business. The rest laid hold of his servants, mistreated them, and killed them. The king was enraged and sent his troops, who destroyed those murderers and burned their city. Then he said to his servants, "The feast is ready [anyway], but those who were invited were not worthy to come." Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find. The servants went out into the streets and gathered all they found, bad and good alike, and the hall was filled with guests." Sounds familiar? What kind of people attend Sunday Masses?
May Her Tears Come Down Again and Break our Hearts of Stone, Before it is Too Late!
The tears that Our Lady shed at La Salette had fallen on hard soil (our hearts and minds), again not enough for humanity to minimally understand another parable even more clearly: The banquet that the Father gave to His prodigal son after he repented and confessed his sins. Why is it so difficult to realize that such Merciful Father is waiting for so many prodigal sons to return? And that He has no choice but to grant a similar banquet (The Mass) every week (actually every hour, the world over, 24/7), to properly welcome and celebrate the return of every lost son, also revealed at the Parable of the Lost Sheep.
In addition, for the sake of friends not yet strong in their Faith, let’s concede for a moment that parables are not necessarily proof of factual realities. Therefore, we would like to incorporate over the above parables and so many statements, the real historical fact which happened with the disciples of Emmaus -no longer an analogy- when Cleophas, his wife and/or adult sons invited a complete estrange to stay overnight as a guest, without realizing that they were welcoming the Messiah into their home, despite walking and speaking with Him for so many hours. From this undisputable historical event, we can learn for sure the power-link bonding the nowadays Mass (mystical Supper/Banquet), where Christ is really present under the appearances of bread and wine, with that first ever Sunday Mass (Mystical Supper) that Jesus celebrated for them and with them, in Emmaus. There, inside their home, the first domestic church, after a priceless “homily” granted during their long walk, after the consecration of their bread and the wine, He gave Himself in Holy Communion to Cleophas, his wife Mary, and likely some grown up children or servants.
Historical Fact! Not only a Pedagogical Lesson or Analogy.
It’s critically important to understand that they only recognized and realized what really happened when Jesus broke the bread, said the prayer of blessings, and gave to them to eat and drink. At that moment, Jesus disappeared -but only visually- vanished from the table, in the same way He is invisible at the Mass “table” (altar), since they no longer need to see Him, in order to know that He is really there, under the appearance of bread and wine then transubstantiated into the living body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ resurrected. Evidently, for the rest of their lives, they recognized who was really there, celebrating that first Sunday Mass, at the same day He raised from the dead, in a similar way that we now recognize the mystery of a Priest acting “in persona Christ,” during the miracle of the transubstantiation, which happens during Masses celebrated within the Church founded by Christ. Mother Angelica, the founder of EWTN, frequently reminded us that not even the Angels have the privilege to suffer or offer sacrifices to console God and alleviate the suffering of others, much less the privilege to receive the divine Redeemer via Holy Communion.
The Litmus Test!
Let’s consider the Sunday Mass attendance in Brazil, for example, since it is the country with the largest Catholic population in the world: Only approximately 8% attend Sunday Masses regularly. Simply unbelievable, if such survey is reasonably truthful (see side graphic).
On the other extreme, i.e., Catholics in Nigeria (94%), although complying in terms of massive presence at Sunday Masses, it seems that many go to a mere cultural event by emotional habit since their faith doesn’t concretely reflect in their practical public and political life. We all ‘forget’ -in practical terms- that God ‘cannot’ vote, God ‘cannot’ get organized (in our behalf) to put corrupt politicians in jail, etc. We, as a responsible Christian community, must do it, energetically, publicly, electing tough Christian leaders, praying and fast for it, etc., out of our duty of faith (as El Salvadorians did), and also funded by our own financial resources -as complement to taxes- whenever necessary. Jesus never called us to be spectators of Masses, but courageous disciples ready to engage the culture despite persecutions, boldly building a Christian-based Civilization as protagonists empowered by Masses. Faith without works is not only fake, it will be the main criteria (sins of omission) for anyone surely ending in hell: "I know your works! You are neither cold nor hot. So, because you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth"(Rev3:15-16). Anyway, the crucial point we are trying to emphasize here is that both extremes (present everywhere) are deeply affected by the lack of knowledge and shallow interpretation of these Five Commandments of the Church:
1st. You shall attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation.
2nd. You shall confess your sins at least once a year.
3rd. You shall humbly receive your Creator in Holy Communion, at least during the Easter season.
4th. You shall observe the prescribed days of fasting and abstinence.
5th. You shall help provide for the needs of the Church.
Original Pride and Disobedience Almost Destroy Human Nature. Only Obedience and Humility Can Remedy it, at least at a Personal Level.
Interestingly that such priceless and lifesaving respectful submission -as a whole or partial obedience- are all directly related to the quality, the possibility, consistence, quantity, reverence, and gratefulness of Mass attendance -the essence and summit of our Faith- by each individual faithful, throughout life. Pope Francis said that “If we leave [each] Mass the same way we entered, something is wrong!” We hope that, by God’s Mercy, whenever it happens, it would be sporadic carelessness, therefore meaning -hopefully- that “something went wrong” at that particular Liturgy, and never that “something is essentially wrong” with any one of us.
Can someone obey 99% of all Traffic Laws, but systematically ignore just one, such as the Stop-Sign, for example, without dying or killing?
The best answer is: Probably both! Killing and, sooner of later, also Dying.
Unfortunately, realistically and tragically, that is the case for the great majority of Catholics, forgetting that if we are faithful with little thing, we will certainly be faithful with the more important ones. Even sincerely practicing Catholics frequently dismiss, for example, the 4th Commandment, alleging it is “just” one of the Church’s Commandments, presumed irrelevant by many, without realizing that such personal arrogant presumption (thinking to know better than the Church, as if a mere human institution) is a very serious sin of the intellect. Jesus said that the sins of the mind are worse than the sins of the flesh (cannot be “felt”, difficult to be discerned, etc.), although rootly interconnected with pride and the original sin of disobedience [of a “minor” law], despite God’s warning: “If you disobey and eat the forbit ‘fruit’, you will die.” Paraphrasing St. Augustine -mutatis mutantis- since still within the same supernatural context, “If you obey only what you like in God’s Commandments and ignore (worse than refusal) what you don’t agree with, it is not the Divine Law that you are obeying, but yourself.”
And regarding the 5th Commandment, it should instead be called the Fifth Privilege, a recurring "Opportunity of Honor" or, in the worst-case scenario, "Lifelong extended-family Duties." The founder of the Focolare Movement, Servant of God Chiara Lubich, the spiritual mother of hundreds of thousands of consecrated Catholic men and women giving all to God and His Church, under a lifelong Vow-of-Poverty equivalent, therefore not just a mere 10% tithe, used to say that (in a free translation) “If love enters our heart but not our “pocket”, it’s because real Love never entered into the heart.” Surely “pocket" here, means immensely more than just material “treasures” to be joyfully donated to our Church, but also the grant of time, talents, prayers, affections, services, gratefulness, etc. Actually, In a deep sense, in relation to God (indirectly, evidently), because the Supreme-Giver of all, including each one's life, it is not absurd to affirm that whoever don't give "all", gave "nothing!"
The La Will Gather Small Groups to Share and Spread the Joy of Becoming Practicing Catholics
Becoming friends with the La Salette Social-Net will be extremely beneficial also for those unable to receive Holy Communion, especially after joining the Movement as active members. The goal of the La Salette Network is to witness, inspire, and kindly invite every non practicing Catholic to give themselves a new opportunity. We will encourage, accompany, and explain how doable it can be to ask God and receive a new life through His beloved Church, starting with a simple act of repentance for not keeping the "Sabbath" Holy, followed by a comprehensive sacramental confession. After the absolution, gradually, a new wave of joy and peace that cannot have a price tag will begin. And for those still unable to receive sacramental absolution (and Holy Communion, as consequence), they can certainly express their repentance to a priest, asking his prayers to persevere from now on without missing future Sunday Masses, always making a spiritual communion while following his directions to regularize eventual canonic situations within the Church, with a humble, grateful, and patient heart.
Thank You Loving Mother, for Warning Your Children.
This is the replica of the Crucifix (side pic) our Lady was carrying on her chest during her visit. It's the only depiction of a Christian Crucifix in history showing the only two options each one of us have in life, whether hammering more "nails" (sins) in the Mystical Body of Jesus, or removing "nails" (virtues) by each act of Love, Mercy, reparation, etc.
At La Salette, Our Lady specifies two main refusals of her people: "The two things which make the arm of my Son so heavy":
The Seventh Day. The disrespect for the seventh day sends us back to the two first books of the Bible, Genesis, and Exodus. How do we honor "the day which God has reserved for himself," the day when one stands face to face with God? Is it really for us a day of repose befitting free people, the Day of the Lord, befitting us as children of God, the day of assembly for brothers and sisters in need of reconciliation? Christ inaugurated, by his resurrection, the first day of the new creation: we are called to live as children of God. And this life, which passes beyond death, should causes us to enter the Day of the Lord, a day without sunset, with a profound awareness and expectation.
And the Name of My Son ("Holy is His name"). The Virgin comes to tell us again, "Holy is His name." "There is no other Name under heaven given to men which is necessary for our salvation" (Acts 4:12). "Never say or do anything except in the name of the Lord Jesus..." (Col 3:17), that is, after the manner of Christ and according to his Spirit.
No Time to Pray, but Plenty of Time for Entertainment, Distractions, Sports, Food, Social Media, Gossip, etc.
It is indeed a question, therefore, of Faith and submission. The will to live with and in Christ as a servant inside His Church, not as a mere “tourist” using the Church. A great testimony about that can be inferred from the life of one of the greatest members of the US Supreme Court, Justice Clarence Thomas. Are we busier than him?
Agreed or not, (because it may wrongly appears as if an extreme interpretation), it is indeed perfectly rational to apply towards Catholics, the strongest conclusion of Jesus, regarding His Matt.5:13 parable "You are the Salt of the Earth...," to every Catholic that does not comply with any of the Five Commandments of His Church, all the time: Jesus clearly warned each one of us that, whoever loses it's own "Salt" power, is no longer good for anything, and is worth for nothing, except to be thrown out and trampled on by people.
The call to conversion is at the heart of the message of La Salette. Everything converges towards that end: the tears and the crucifix, the light and the roses, the attitudes of the beautiful lady, the walk from the ravine to the summit, but above all, the discourse of the Virgin: "Return to God with all your heart", He alone is the source of life.
"Do you say your prayers well, my children?"
"Not very well, Madam;” -They Replied-
Should not that also be our reply? She exhorts them to pray each day, morning and evening. "Watch and pray." The Virgin indicates only a minimum, an Our Father and a Hail Mary, but she urges them to do more when they can.
"During the summer, only a few aged women go to Mass."
The coming together of Christians each week for Sunday Mass is a "vital need": the Word of God nourishes their faith; the contact with Christ, the bread broken for a new world, is a source of dynamism; the communion of His Body given up for us and of His Blood once shed for us reminds us to be ready to give our lives on behalf of others and makes us sharers in the strength of Christ's Spirit. "At the heart of the former world with which we are still linked by our blindness and inertia, the Church, in the celebration of the Eucharist, understands and announces that the new world, inaugurated by the risen Christ, is in fact already present in our midst, and it is incumbent on us to be its witnesses in our daily lives through our conduct, both as individuals and as members of society." This eucharistic requirement thus becomes a source of hope and joy that no one can take from us.
"During Lent, they go to the meat market like dogs...”
Far from scandalizing us, Our Lady's strongly worded reproach should prick our consciences. In the Bible, when people are compared to dogs, it means that they have lost all sense of dignity (Phil 3:2; Mt 7:6, etc.). What are we doing with our dignity as children of God when we waste food and other things when we squander goods that others desperately need? To find our dignity anew, must we not realize that we do not live by bread alone and that the necessary efforts we must make to share our blessings with others are communion with the Son of God, from whom precisely we derive our dignity? "What you do to the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you do to me!" (Mt 25). “Seek first the Kingdom of God and it’s Justice, and [then] everything else will be granted to you in addition.” (Mt 6:33).
Finally, she said: "Well, my children, you will make this known to all my people."
But what about us, today?
Can we recognize the forgotten truths of the Gospel as we contemplate her apparition at La Salette and ponder her words in continuity with her future interventions in history such as those at Lourdes, Fatima, etc.? Will we be willing to respond to "the pains she has taken for us" by returning to God with all our hearts through Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life; the One who was crucified for our sins, rose from the dead for our salvation, Jesus, our peace, and our reconciliation?
Can’t we grasp and understand at least a little bit the immense power we would have, if we properly treasured God’s Sacred Scripture read every Sunday during Masses? When will we learn the history and the deep roots of our Faith, starting from our Jewish Liturgical Roots, the Old Testament, which reminds us that rejoicing in the Lord is the very source of our strength! Therefore, evidently, it will totally depend on how we live out the “Sabath” day, the Day of the Lord, as quoted by the Prophet Nehemiah (Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12):
"Today is holy to the Lord your God. Do not be sad, and do not weep" (since all the people were weeping as they heard the words of the Law of God). He said further: ‘Go, eat rich foods and drink sweet drinks, and allot portions to those who had nothing prepared; for today is holy to our Lord. Do not be saddened this day, because rejoicing in the Lord must be your strength!" And the Levites quieted all the people, saying, "hush, for today is holy, and you must not be saddened." Then all the people went to eat and drink, to distribute portions [to those without], and to celebrate with great joy, for [because] they understood the words that had been expounded to them.” Can we understand those words, if we don’t appreciate warnings and reminders made by the blessed mother of Jesus herself, in person, who is immensely greater than the Prophet Nehemiah?
The hashtag for our network and social media posts can also be promote with: #ILoveMySundayMass
However, as said by Pope Francis, “IF we leave Mass the same way we entered, something is essentially wrong.”
Since she appeared on Sept 19 (1846) which is also the feast day of Our Lady of Sorrows. The annual feast day to celebrate our Lady of La Salette is ALSO on September 19 of each year. Starting 2024, our La Salette Apostolate will celebrate every September 19th in a special way, evidently including a Mass of thanksgiving; and also every July 13, to celebrate the co-patron saint, Blessed Charlie Rodriguez Santiago (see the final segment of this webpage for more details)
And for those really serious to learn WHY we should go to Confession whenever skipping Sunday Masses without serious reasons, let's read the "Catholic Answers" response also pertinent to this question:
How can I explain to my Catholic friend who missed Mass without a serious reason that she should go to confession before receiving Communion?
First, share Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) paragraph 2181, which states:
The Sunday Eucharist is the foundation and confirmation of all Christian practice. For this reason the faithful are obliged to participate in the Eucharist on days of obligation, unless excused for a serious reason (for example, illness, the care of infants) or dispensed by their own pastor. Those who deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave sin (emphasis added).
The next step is to share CCC paragraph 1385, which reads, “Anyone conscious of a grave sin must receive the sacrament of reconciliation before coming to Communion.” The Catechism bases this precept on St. Paul’s instruction to the Corinthians:
Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself (1 Cor. 11:27–29).
The last step is to take the above two principles and put them together, saying something along the lines of, “Since you’ve missed Sunday Mass without a serious reason, which is a grave sin, and Catholics who are conscious of grave sin must receive the sacrament of reconciliation before receiving Communion, it follows that you must receive the sacrament of reconciliation before receiving our Lord in Holy Communion.”
Whether your friend abides by this precept or not is beyond your control. But at least you can present the Church’s teaching and charitably invite your friend to abide by it.
● Each La Salette local subnet can have up to one monthly social-catechetical meeting, afternoons or evenings, called La Salette Cafe', anywhere in the world, unless it is served for new guests, then under weekly limit.
● The publicly available Diocese/Parish and calendar for each local event will be posted on the website, and the coordination private contact info likely secured under our server, at the Volunteers' gate sign-in.
● It will have the following starting patterns and elements, under similarly suggested pre-scripted chronogram:
● It should be short, just one hour, extendable to another half hour.
● It must offer fresh and hot coffee with freshly baked Brazilian cheese bread out of the oven, alongside the local favorite hot tea and some simple, cold, non-alcoholic beverages, besides water.
● It must present a short catechetical reading and/or pertinent meditation related to any or all Commandments of the Church or related to the La Salette message, legacy, or anecdotes.
● If new guests are present, the reading of Exodus 20 1-7 (copy under the link below) is mandatory.
● For security reasons, complete estranges will not be admitted even at "open" meetings, much less into coordinator's meetings.
● For sure no other themes that could become a distraction will be allowed during the "official" hour, but perhaps possible after that, according to the discretion of the coordinator and local host.
● However, politics discussions can not be authorized even afterwards, because many guests will come with a "baggage" of partisan-politics or even blind ideological militancy in their past, likely contrary to the Christian Faith, that only gradual formation and personal conversion can change or purify. In addition, we cannot confuse lip service and eye service with lifetime faithful loyalty; Judas Iscariot followed Jesus everywhere, pretending to serve Him despite receiving the utmost level of trust, while Joseph of Arimathea followed Him from a distance, likely through a slow but honest process of conversion.
● [Therefore] The La Salette Catechetical Apostolate must be a "Gate of Mercy," under a grassroot model deeply aware of the "Parable of the Wheat and Weeds" (Mat.13:24-43)
● An intentional "food-wise branding" (so-to-speak) aspect will be the brew of high quality fresh coffee grinded from beans, plus the on-site baked of cheese bread to be freely served at meetings. It must be served after the starting, in about 20 or 30 minutes, necessary for baking the bread, and be enjoyed by all as the meditation or talk progresses.
● No other kind of food or drink should be allowed during this "first" official one hour and a half timeframe, under predefined script, and participants will drink and eat at their own place and pace.
● After that first pre-script hour (extendable to another half hour), the local coordinator with the owner of the hosting home or place will have the discretion to discern (case-by-case) and, after sharing or a quick "hand-vote", decide what will be appropriate to do or to serve after the "official" ending prayer, such as postponing cleanup tasks, further meeting with the core La Salette's local team, perhaps a guest speaker for an additional short talk, eventual dinner, etc.
Full details or adaptations (such as morning or breakfast meetings, large meetings, online meetings, praise meetings, etc.), can be found at the "franchise-like" Rules & Regulations, an special Appendix under the Blessed Family's General Statute, which is a book published on Amazon, and also available for free online here, as an eBook, under this LINK. Coordination positions available under the same conditions required from External Members, according to Title IV, Chapter I, Art.18-20, including our Pledge of St. Andrews mandated at the end of the §1, Art.20 (pg. 91).
Blessed Charlie of Puerto Rico.
The co-patron saint for this catechetical Apostolate, evidently in addition to Our Lady herself, under the sweet advocation of ”La Salette”, is the Blessed Charlie de Puerto Rico (not to be confused with our “own” Charles de Foucauld, the co-patron saint of the parent institution of this Apostolate). Despite his fragile health, due to a debilitant ulcerative chronic disease, he dedicated his joyful life, full of hope, teaching his fellow Catholics countrymen how to love, appreciate, prepared and piously attending the Vigil Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord, publicly proclaiming his powerful Mission Statement:
“We Live for this Night!”
As a simple, humble and very kind Catholic lay catechist and liturgist, also a Knight of Columbus with an immense charity towards all, without any extraordinary or financial resources (he only owned one pair of shoes, when dying), the now Blessed Charlie, the first Caribbean-born layperson in history to be beatified (by Pope J.P. II), succeed to have his island-nation gradually understanding the utmost importance of the Pascal Triduum celebrations, in particular the Saturday Vigil solemn liturgy, as the summit and source of every other liturgical celebration in the Church, including the seven sacraments. And not only as an historical fact, but also as a renewable liturgical mother-lode; an annual inexhaustible treasure-trove of miracles and graces for humanity that will be impossible to even begin to grasp, in this life. Therefore, he insisted, invited and propagated that all of us Christians should prepare, respect, and somehow live the whole year in expectation for that holy, luminous and extraordinary Night! The “first” night of each year when we [start to] cry out in thanksgiving, with angels and saints, “Alleluia! Alleluia! He is Risen”. Death has no longer power against those who follow Him. Darkness was completely conquered, from a small candlelight, until the explosion of light and praises singing “Glory to God in the Highest,” during the Easter Vigil Mass. Christ tomb is empty. Oh death, where’s your victory?
No one better than Blessed Charlie of Puerto Rico (Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodriguez Santiago) to becoming the perfect role model and intercessor for our "LaSalette Social-net" participants, coordinators, and volunteers, since each one personally called by our Lady basically for the same Mission, but with more resources, knowledge, in an organized way now empowered by her maternal message at the French Alpes and, above all, by the Five Commandments of Church. Let’s remember that she is the mother of the Church, and that the Church is Mother also from her supernatural maternal co-redemption with Christ. Therefore, this Five Commandments are her own personal and preventive maternal commandment for us to obey, in order to preserve the fullness of Peace, Joy and Salvation in our Lives. It’s like kisses and hugs from a caring mother ordering each "child" to ask for a parent or grandparent's blessing before "daring" to leave the house -everyday- always saying: “May God bless and protect you, beloved son; you can go now but, but do take 'that' jacket with you, because it will be very cold and I want you to come back home happy and healthy; adding, after a kiss: I will be praying and waiting for you with a warm soup with your favorite sandwich."
We are absolutely convinced that, as this Apostolate keep extending -hopefully- the devotion and knowledge about Blessed Charlie outside Puerto Rico, thousands of fervent parent’s prayers begging God for non-practicing loved ones to return to the sacraments in full communion with the Church, may likely be granted faster, if entrusted to the intercession of Blessed Charlie of Puerto Rico, or at least "seal" the beneficiary with merciful graces, since the Gospel can only be proposed, never imposed. However, evidently, any kind of requested grace can be presented to a brother or sister confirmed in Heaven, from the beginning of it's canonization process, including pleads for miracles, such as the 42-year-old mother who prayed through his intercession to be cured from a non-Hodgkins malignant lymphoma, and fully recovered, from a miracle approved on December 20, 1999.
Now in Heaven, in the presence of Our Lady, his beloved mother, after enduring his cross without complaining against an almost lifelong chronic inflammatory bowel disease that turn out cancer, taking his life with only 44 years, this holy man will be honored by God and will love to intercede in favor of anyone who decide to trust in him, for the glory of God and the consolation of our Blessed Mother, crying at La Salette precisely for this reason. "...There will be more rejoicing in Heaven for just one sinner that repent and convert, than over ninety-nine righteous people with no need of conversion (Luke 15:7).